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Quotes by John Maxwell

"Everything rises and falls on leadership."

"The challenge of leadership is to create change and facilitate growth."

"All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best."

"Leadership has less to do with position than it does disposition."

"If you can't influence people, then they will not follow you. And if people won't follow, you are not a leader. That's the Law of Influence."

"When people respect you as a person, they admire you. When they respect you as a friend, they love you. When they respect you as a leader, they follow you."

"A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others."

"As a leader, you don't earn any points for failing in a noble cause. You don't get credit for being 'right' as you bring the organization to a halt. Your success is measured by your ability to actually take the people where they need to go. But you can do that only if the people first buy into you as a leader. That's the reality of the Law of Buy-In.

"Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another."

"When leaders fail to empower others, it is usually due to three main reasons: 1. Desire for Job Security 2. Resistance to Change 3. Lack of Self-Worth."

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